Top 30 Tips On How To Burn Belly Fat

Image Top 30 Tips On How To Burn Belly Fat


Top 30 Tips On How To Burn Belly Fat

Most do not get rid of their belly because they eat and train incorrectly. After countless restrictive diets and inefficient workouts, they get to accept the larger waist as part of their lives. The 30 tips in this article will help you get rid of your belly fast.


It is important to understand that getting rid of the tummy is limited to:

✪ Intensity and volume of workouts. The best results come when you train with maximum metabolic intensity and high volume.

✪ Decreasing inflammation in the body and improving the immune system.

✪ Stress management and reduction of cortisol secretion.

✪ Creating healthy bowels to manage inflammation and decrease cortisol.

✪ Management of insulin and glucose tolerance through diet and sports.

✪ Eliminate foods you are intolerant to.

✪ Elimination of totally unhealthy foods.


What you need to know about fat on the belly so you can get rid of it.


The fat on the belly consists of the following types of fat:

✪ Subcutaneous fat, the one under the skin that can be felt.

✪ Visceral fat, the one inside the abdominal cavity, under the muscles. Burning visceral fat will lower your belly and make your waist leaner, but it won't help you get rid of subcutaneous fat.

Visceral fat is considered a metabolic organ because it secretes its own hormones, called adipokines, some signaling proteins that increase blood pressure, increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and alter insulin sensitivity.

Adipokines released by visceral fat worsen the quality of muscle mass and increase fat on the belly.


Top 30 tips for getting rid of your belly

1) The number one priority is sustainable, individualized nutrition; you need a diet that avoids hunger and appetite, but creates a calorie deficit.

2) High volume strength training (30-45 sets per workout) and short rest periods (10-60 seconds) to create lactate build-up in muscles and a higher response of lipolytic hormones.

3) Use a hypertrophy protocol (8-12 repetitions, more than 3 sets, 70-85% of maximal force).

4) Do modified strongman workouts at least once a week. These build muscle mass and increase strength, while burning a ton of fat!

5) Work hard but cleverly, by manipulating the rest times, sets, repetitions and tempo: for example, 6 x 6 genuflections with 60 seconds pause and 12 x 3 genuflections with 25 seconds pause produce the same metabolic stress.

6) Do sprints for fitness. For example, six pieces of 200 meters on the running track, at maximum capacity, with 4 minutes break between sprints. Or, 60 sprints on the bike, each sprint having 8 seconds and the break between them being 12 seconds.

7) Work out outside, not inside the gym - it is more fun and you will have more efficient workouts.

8) Get rid of fat on the belly with full body workouts and sprints - avoid "15 minute abdomen" programs.

9) Do not train without eating - your body uses less fat after workouts and thus burns less calories during the recovery period.

10) Eliminate all processed foods from the diet - choose real foods.

11) Follow a high protein diet to increase the basic metabolic rate and the amount of energy needed to digest food.

12) Eat breakfast and opt for meats. Breakfast high in protein and fat provides amino acids that keep your brain active and alert all day long.

13) Do not stay away from fats - be careful to choose fats from various sources such as fish, meats, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado and oilseeds.

14) Eating foods that improve insulin sensitivity along with foods high in carbohydrates: vinegar, citrus, spices and herbs rich in antioxidants (blueberries, kale, etc.), all helps store carbohydrates as glycogen in muscle, not fat.

15) Avoid wheat, corn and other cereals: they are all high in calories and high in insulin. The average man gets half the calories from these cereals, too much sugar for the body to cope with.

16) Eliminate all liquid carbohydrates, from juices to sports or energy drinks.

17) Watch out for vitamin D levels (to be above 32 ng / ml), low levels of D are related to abdominal fat, even for young people.

18) Eat enough fiber, at least 25 grams of plants, not processed foods.

19) Eat enough essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 fish, which improve insulin sensitivity.

20) Eat seeds (such as sesame, cumin, chia, pumpkin, flax, etc.) as they metabolize estrogen.

21) Take care of the intestines - poor bowel health leads directly to cortisol growth and fattening in the abdominal area. Eat probiotics such as pickled cabbage, kimchi, and fermented milk such as yogurt.

22) Get enough sleep - try to fall asleep early and wake up early, this program being related to better body composition.

23) Reduce stress: do yoga, martial arts, mental games, go to a psychologist, meditate ... whatever works for you.

24) Drink at least 3 liters of water a day to be hydrated - many confuse thirst with hunger.

25) Drink tea, water and coffee instead of alcohol, fruit juices or sparkling water.

26) Eat vegetables at every meal to saturate you faster and increase nutrient intake.

27) Magnesium - soothes, reduces cortisol and improves insulin sensitivity; supplement if necessary.

28) Eat foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits or vegetables; do this at every meal to prevent inflammation: berries, vegetables, red beets, plums, tomatoes, onions and garlic.

29) Get rid of belly and appetite for processed foods by regaining control over what you eat. Take care of your blood sugar (many proteins, vegetables and fats at each meal) and manage stress in your life as best you can.

30) Don't be impatient. Getting rid of the belly does not happen overnight. It takes time to balance hormones and convince the body to give up energy reserves in the form of fat!