• Post Cycle Therapy - PCT Pack

Post Cycle Therapy - PCT Pack

  • Brand:Hilma Biocare
  • Product Code: HLBC001
  • Reward Points: 100
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Warehouse Hilma

  • 100.00€

  • Price in reward points: 1000

Ready Post Cycle Therapy - PCT Pack

Package content:

2 x Clomiphene Citrate Hilma Biocare 50mg (50 tablets)

1 x Tamoxifen Citrate Hilma Biocare 20mg (50 tablets)


As the name say it, Post Cycle Therapy must be absolutely done after a cycle with anabolic steroids. The importance of PCT is huge, otherwise you risk losing everything you earned during a steroid cycle and you have all the chances of having a severe hormonal imbalance. Therefore, NEVER ignore the Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT).


  Just as the universal law says that for everything we have to pay, this is also true in bodybuilding when we take anabolic substances in order to have the body of a God. 


  Most steroid cycles stop the production of testosterone for a while. When you finish a cycle of steroids, you have a period when you no longer supplement artificially  your body with testosterone, and at the same time it does not produce its testosterone. During this period a catastrophe can occur in your body. You can lose all your muscular mass, or even more. Sexual dysfunctions, mood disorders, hormonal disturbances may occur. Fortunately, scientists have found a solution to prevent all these unpleasant processes, and this is the Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT). 


  As said above, during a cycle of steroids, testosterone production is stopped. In order to restore our testosterone level in the shortest possible time, we have a few solutions.


We will talk about its effects and how to use it.


The most knows products when talking about Post-Cycle Therapy are: Clomiphene Citrate known as Clomid and Tamoxifen known as Nolvadex. They have the possibility to block the estrogen from acting on the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. This leads to growing of the FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH in your body. Growing of LH stimulates the Leydig cells from the testicles to produce the testosterone. There are people who can restore their testosterone production by using Tamoxifen. The majority, though, should use both substances. It is worth mentioning that Tamoxifen is more efficient in stimulation of LH than Clomiphene Citrate.


  Many people still use the methods from the past like using the Clomid in the middle of the steroids cycle, hoping that by doing this, will restore the production of testosterone. Unfortunately this is a myth, and by doing this, you only make the Clomid work as anti-estrogen.


  For those suffering from testicular atrophy, there is HCG (Pregnyl) or medically known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is actually a peptide hormone that prevents the atrophy of the testicles during cycles. Most of the times, the athletes make a confusion when it comes to PCT and includes HCG in this cycle. It's totally wrong. You use Pregnyl only during the cycles to prevent the testicular atrophy and not for restoring the production of testosterone. Moreover, the use of Pregnyl occurs before PCT, desirable with a 2 week pause before PCT. More about HCG and its use, you will find out in another post.




PCT Tamoxifen dosage:

1 day


Next 10 days


Next 10 days





Tamoxifen and Clomid dosage for PCT:

1 day

clomid 250 mg + tamoxifen 60 mg

Next 10 days

clomid 100 mg + tamoxifen 40 mg

Next 10 days

clomid 50 mg + tamoxifen 20 mg




If you ask yourself when to start PCT, please see the next table:


When to start PCT, after the last administration


Testosterone Enanthate

2 weeks

3 weeks

Testosterone Cipionate

2 weeks

3 weeks

Testosterone Propionate

3 days

3 weeks

Testosterone Suspension

6-8 hours

3 weeks

Testosterone Mix (Sustanon)

18 days

3 weeks

Stanozolol (Winstrol)

12 hours

2/3 weeks

Methandienone (Dianabol)

8-10 hours

3 weeks


3 days

4 weeks

Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca-Durabolin)

3 weeks

4 weeks

Methenolone (Primobolan)

14 days

2 weeks

Oxandrolone (Anavar)

8-10 days

2 weeks

Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)

3 weeks

4 weeks


3 days

2/3 weeks

Oxymetholone (Anadrol)

24 de hours

3 weeks


24 de hours

3 weeks

Testosterone Undecanoate

16,5 days

3 weeks

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Tags: ptc, antiestrogens, tamoxifen, clomid, clomiphene, post cycle therapy