Ligandrol LGD-4033 Biaxol

  • Brand:Biaxol Supplements
  • Product Code: BIS04
  • Reward Points: 80
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Warehouse Biaxol

  • 80.00€

  • Price in reward points: 800

Ligandrol LGD4033 Biaxol 10 mg x 60 capsules

Active substance: LGD-4033

Product dosage: 10 mg/1caps

Manufacturer: Biaxol Supplements / Europe

Pack info: 10 mg x 60 capsules box.



What is Ligandrol LGD4033?

Ligandrol LGD4033 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) known for its potential to enhance muscle growth, improve strength, and aid in recovery. It works by selectively binding to androgen receptors in the body, promoting anabolic effects while minimizing unwanted side effects.


How to Use Ligandrol LGD4033

Using Ligandrol LGD4033 involves following a carefully designed cycle and dosage protocol. It is typically recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it over time. Consultation with a healthcare professional or expert in SARMs is advised to determine the optimal dosage and cycle length for your specific needs.


Benefits of Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol LGD4033 offers several benefits to athletes and bodybuilders. It can significantly enhance muscle growth, improve strength and power, aid in fat loss, and promote faster recovery. Additionally, it may help preserve lean muscle mass during calorie deficits or cutting phases.

Recommended Dosage for Ligandrol LGD4033

The recommended dosage for Ligandrol LGD4033 typically ranges from 5mg to 10mg per day. It is important to start with a lower dosage and assess your tolerance before gradually increasing it. It's crucial to follow recommended guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional or expert for personalized advice.


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Tags: bodybuilding supplement, sarms, biaxol, ligandrol, lgd4033