7 Reasons to Do Barbell Front Squats

Image 7 Reasons to Do Barbell Front Squats 1gearshop.com

Many people shy away from front squats, along with other challenging exercises. This is unfortunate, as investing time in learning these more difficult, yet highly effective, exercises can be incredibly rewarding.

Here are 7 reasons why you should learn and regularly perform barbell front squats.

1. Emphasizes Quadriceps Development
Take a look at the quads of weightlifters. Their impressive development often stems from years of performing barbell front squats. If you've hit a plateau with back squats, incorporating barbell front squats into your routine can help you break through and stimulate new growth.

2. Accurately Measures Athletic Strength
For a long time, coaches have used barbell front squats as an accurate gauge of athletic performance. For instance, in speed skating, barbell front squats and inclined bench presses can precisely predict 500-meter skate times. In bobsledding, knowing your front squat max, as well as your ability to push heavy weights explosively, can accurately estimate your start time when pushing the sled.

3. Reduces Stress on Knees and Lower Back
The upright posture required for barbell front squats minimizes stress on your knees and lower back without compromising muscle activation and fiber recruitment. This makes barbell front squats a safer alternative for those concerned about joint or back issues.

4. Safer Than Back Squats
Leaning forward during a front squat can cause you to lose your balance, making it instinctual to use weights that you can control safely. The self-limiting nature of barbell front squats ensures that you don't overburden yourself, reducing the risk of injury.

5. Enhances Back Squat Performance
Following a training cycle with barbell front squats often leads to improved back squat performance when you return to them. However, this effect is not necessarily reciprocal; back squats don't always enhance front squat performance.

6. Improves Flexibility
Executing barbell front squats correctly demands good flexibility from your ankles to your hips. Learning proper front squat form inherently improves your overall flexibility, making you more adept at other exercises as well.

7. Benefits Olympic Lifts
CrossFit enthusiasts and Olympic lifters will appreciate this: if your snatch or clean and jerk has plateaued, a cycle of barbell front squats can jumpstart your progress and improve your performance in these lifts.

Still Avoiding Barbell Front Squats?

If you're still hesitant about barbell front squats, start by learning the correct movement. Consider investing in a skilled personal trainer to ensure you master the technique safely and effectively.